Southwell Liberal Democrats are a friendly and sociable group of Party activists. We are a branch of the Newark and Sherwood Local party which covers the Newark and Sherwood District Council area.
Our two District Councillors and nine Southwell Town Councillors are very active in promoting Southwell and in trying to maintain the town as a successful and pleasant place in which to live. We instigated the Neighbourhood Plan for the town and promoted devolution of services from the District Council so we could have more say in where our money is spent. We keep a careful watch on affairs at the District Council and campaign for greater transparency in their policy making.
We meet every other month on the fourth Thursday in the back room of the Reindeer pub on Westgate. In alternate months the meetings take place in Newark. There are no meetings in August or September.
We also hold social and fund raising events at intervals throughout the year. Click on "Local News and Events" to find out about our next function. You will be very welcome to attend.
Annual General Meeting - Southwell Branch
The AGM of the Southwell Branch of the Lib Dems will take place at 7 pm on 26 October in the Function Room, The Reindeer Inn, Westgate, Southwell. The Agenda for the meeting is shown here.
Of necessity the period prescribed in the Party Constitution for both the notice of meetings and the request for nominations to party offices has been curtailed. That being the case, nominations with proposer and seconder for the offices listed in the agenda should be sent to Stuart Thompstone as a matter of urgency. Nominations, however, will also be accepted at the meeting itself.
The final substantive issue on the agenda concerns the possible dissolution of the Southwell Branch and its absorption into the District Party. Clearly this is an issue of great significance for Branch members, so you are urged to do your best to attend.
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of the AGM held on 23/11/2022
3. Matters Arising
4. Chair's Report
5. Election Agent's Report
6. Treasurer's Report
7. Town Council Report
8. Election of Officers: (i) Chair (ii) Vice Chair (iii Secretary (iv) Treasurer (v) EC Members
9. Discussion on the future of the Southwell Branch: Should it dissolve itself?
10. Date of the next AGM meeting.
You are invited to nominate or second members of the Southwell Liberal Democrats to serve in the following capacities for the year 2024:
1. Chair
2. Vice Chair
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. EC Members